Thursday, July 8, 2010

Money can't buy life

Ideally, everybody in the world would make a decent amount of money because everyone deserves it. However, we don't live in an ideal world but we can certainly look at money from a different perspective. For instance, you can't buy anything real with money because everything that is real is priceless and, therefore, you will never be able to pay for it with money even if you pay for it with money. Moreover, you can buy a guitar and drums but you can't buy rock and roll, you can buy great writing but you can't buy soulful words. Furthermore, money can't save the planet or humanity because only the people of earth can. In addition, money can't buy authentic connections or actions that come from love, the greatness of the stars, the intelligence of the universe, genuine meditation, and integrity or the truth because even if you bribe it or hide it, it is of so much value that you cannot buy it. Lastly, though money can, sadly, buy life expectancy for millions of people in this planet, you can't buy the beauty that is life.


I have noticed that when you meet some individuals or a group, they make you hide parts of yourself because they are hiding parts of themselves or are being judgmental. I also noticed that when you meet some people, they allow you to emerge, be open, and show your real self. Everyone has varying personality composites, and it can improve. However, we all have some parts of ourselves that will never come out of hiding. Nevertheless, we can always try to unveil parts of ourselves that can be revealed, even if it is a little bit at a time. I think it is about being unhidden “enough” and with context rather than being perfectly unhidden. Nonetheless, you unraveling yourself truly is definitely a blessing for both you and the world. Therefore, allow yourself to be unmasked and let all the dynamics of the universe emerge!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A Relationship of Consciousness

You share a relationship of consciousness with every single person and creature on earth, and this includes yourself and the earth itself. A relationship of consciousness is a relationship of the soul, of ethics, and of all the meaningful words and actions that exist and doesn't exist yet in the universe. Nevertheless, a relationship of consciousness can be wounded and even terrorized by unconsciousness which include lies, cruelty, and unfairness of various forms. You are not living life when you engage in such unconscious behaviors. However, we have all engaged in them and can fall into them by differing degrees, but we can also break out of these patterns of darkness if we attempt...maybe. We can try to correct our mistakes and right our wrongs. How are you treating the people around you, yourself, and the earth? I hope you are treating all of existence with kindness, a conscience,compassion, non-judgment and good judgment, with truth that is at time to time clueless, and with love that means love, even though you might be doing it all clumsily.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Gift of being Bengali

While I was growing up in California, there was always this undefined thing about me that my peers and and I did not understand. Until one day, I went on one of those trips half way around the world and met my kinfolks again. Then, I discovered that the ambiguity in me was really my desiness or bengaliness and that there were gifts that came with it. The gift of being bengali for me include wearing saris, salwars, churis(bangles), and tips (that thing you wear on the forehead), getting to eat daal (lentil), samosas, begunis (eggplant dish), mishtis (sweets), and getting to acknowledge the bengali new year called boishaki (which for some reason makes me feel unique),etc. However, the most important gift of being bengali has been for me is being able to meet nice family and friends, and if I was not bengali, then I would not exist in the world. Therefore, being bengali is really a gift of life for me. There are gifts in being part of the U.S. also, no matter what culture you belong to, there are gifts in being part of that culture.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


What is worthy? Is it being successful, skinny enough, healthy, and perfect, making lots of moolah, waking up early, wearing contact lenses or doing lasik, having real friends and a true lover, and never getting wrinkles? Well, you are lovable whether or not you have those things or do things that you or the world thinks makes you likable. You are “cool” simply because you exist in the universe. Though, to be worthy of your “coolness” might mean treating yourself, others, and the earth with worth and compassion, and doing a multitude of other things that come from your soul. You may, however, sometimes find yourself not doing any of the soulful tasks because your existence might betray your brain. Nevertheless, maybe you can try, because if you do, then you will be worthy (of the stars)!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Falling in the dark mud-this blog is dedicated to you when you feel really sh*tty.

I have fallen in the "dark mud" and literally, in a mud puddle before, and it is not really fun though it can later turn out to be rather funny. If you are here on earth, you are guaranteed to fall into a poop colored ooze, and not just once, but over and over again. Your financial condition, your job, your relationships, your health, or your brain can all cause you to have very icky feelings. You can, however, get rid of them for sometime...until, they come again.

The answer to all your problems is simple...and complicated. If you experience the dark mud, just get back up and take yourself out of it. You can do this in various ways, you can do it awkwardly, poetically, by dancing your body, etc. However, if you can't get out of it, maybe you can just be with it until you do. Then, you are only left with your mind. You can free your mind no matter what happens though it might not be easy, and you might even find dark chocolate mud pie there instead, for real.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Healthcare, Culture and Politics, Earth, and the word Love

Today is Earth Day and I think it is wonderful to have a day dedicated to the Earth. The other happenings in my mind include President Obama and Congress passing the healthcare bill, and President Sarkozy and the country of Belgium trying to ban the Islamic veil. Now, you might be thinking, how do they all relate? They are all related by the word Love. Everything in existence or that has existed or will existed is connected by the word love.

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The idea that everyone in America can have healthcare comes from love. Now, will this idea of universal healthcare in America work? It will work if people are fairly charged for healthcare and the costs become reasonable. It will work if doctors and healthcare administrators are coming from love and do what is best for the patient and not what is best for them. It will work if the patients use their rights appropriately.

In addition, how is the ban of Islamic veil and Belgium related to the word love? I think maybe President Sarkozy was trying to come from love; he was trying to stop women who are "oppressed" from being forced into wearing the veil or the scarf when they did not want to. However, by doing so he and Belgium are denying love to a specific group of woman, those who practice Islamic culture.

Clothes are not symbols of oppression but behavior is. Do people who wear other kinds of clothes not get "oppressed"? A woman wearing jeans and a shirt can be a victim of domestic violence while a woman wearing the Islamic veil or scarf might just be happily practicing their culture. Sarkozy and Belgium should not violate civil liberties and curb freedom of expression for this reason. By doing so, ironically, they are practicing the very the thing they are setting out to stop, imposing on and forcing Islamic woman to wear clothes that adhere to Eurocentric standards. Therefore, in this case, love might be to let Islamic women choose what they want to do, wear the veil or not wear it.

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In conclusion, love or lack of love is tied to everything, and what is love? Love is kindness. Kindness sounds like a simple word but it has deep dimensions. It has various manifestations. Healthcare will work if doctors and adminstrators are doing what's best for the patient and the patients act with responsibility. The veil or scarf or the jeans or any kind of clothing will work, when the person wearing the clothes is treated with dignity. The Earth will work, when we choose to protect and nourish it, and the last word is Love.